On April 18th, the Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) conducted the Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET), aiming to assess students' knowledge and skills for admission to various professional courses. However, the exam has come under scrutiny due to a concerning trend: a significant portion of the questions appeared to be from chapters that were supposed to be deleted from the curriculum.
Responsibility in Question: Karnataka KCET Exams Feature Questions from Deleted Chapters.
The Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET) has recently sparked controversy as nearly eight questions (Experts Revieve) from deleted chapters appeared in the examination papers. This development has raised questions about the responsibility of the authorities involved in setting the exam papers and ensuring adherence to the syllabus.
The Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA), responsible for conducting the KCET, faces scrutiny over the oversight. Students and parents alike are expressing frustration and concern over the discrepancy between the exam content and the prescribed syllabus. With deleted chapters being included in the test, many students may have been unfairly disadvantaged, facing questions on material they were not expected to study.
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Was Fair
Was Unfair
The responsibility for this oversight extends beyond the KEA to the education department and textbook committees tasked with updating and revising the syllabus. It highlights the importance of effective communication and coordination between these entities to ensure that exam questions align with the approved curriculum.
It's clearly mentioned over the 'KCET Brochure 2024' as 'The question papers of the Common Entrance Test will be based on the First and Second PUC syllabi prescribed by the Department of Pre-University Education of Karnataka State.'